I'm a Professor in Public Administration at the University of Copenhagen in the Department of Political Science. I study how citizens make inferences about public services, how performance data shape their inferences about the world, the role of honesty and discrimination in the citizen-state interactions, and how we can make the field of Public Administration more experimental, more integrated with neighboring fields, and more engaged with solving real-world problems.

Selected works

Correcting Misperceptions about Ethno-Racial Discrimination: The Limits of Evidence-Based Awareness Raising to Promote Support for Equal-Treatment Policies

The Unequal Distribution of Opportunity: A National Audit Study of Bureaucratic Discrimination in Primary School Access

The Unequal Distribution of Opportunity: A National Audit Study of Bureaucratic Discrimination in Primary School Access

Moral dilemmas and trust in leaders during a global health crisis

Moral dilemmas and trust in leaders during a global health crisis

Sustaining Honesty in Public Service: The Role of Selection

Sustaining Honesty in Public Service: The Role of Selection

Reducing Bias in Citizens Perception of Crime Rates: Evidence From a Field Experiment on Burglary Prevalence

Reducing Bias in Citizens Perception of Crime Rates: Evidence From a Field Experiment on Burglary Prevalence

Behavioral Public Performance: How People Make Sense of Government Metrics

Behavioral Public Performance: How People Make Sense of Government Metrics

Behavioral Dishonesty in the Public Sector

Behavioral Dishonesty in the Public Sector

Citizen (Dis)satisfaction: An Experimental Equivalence Framing Study

Behavioral Public Administration: Combining Insights from Public Administration and Psychology.

Behavioral Public Administration: Combining Insights from Public Administration and Psychology

Human Interest or Hard Numbers? Experiments on Citizens’ Selection, Exposure, and Recall of Performance Information

Human Interest or Hard Numbers? Experiments on Citizens’ Selection, Exposure, and Recall of Performance Information

How Social and Historical Reference Points Affect Citizens’Performance Evaluations

How Social and Historical Reference Points Affect Citizens’Performance Evaluations

“Simon Said,” We Didn't Jump